We’ve gotten quite a few emails lately asking specifically about saging—or smudging if you prefer. What is it? How is it done? What do you use? What does it accomplish? Can you do it yourself, or must you have a person in the paranormal field do it?
What is saging? Saging is the process of burning
sage and directing the smoke into an intended area, or onto yourself or the
physical form of another person for cleansing. Often for personal cleansing,
two people will work together, taking turns to smudge each other. One of my sons watched the procedure when someone
came to me for personal cleansing.
“Huh," he finally said. "Kinda reminds me of when we buddied up in
the Corps to paint each other before combat. We counted on each other to make
sure no skin was left exposed to give us away to the enemy. Mutual trust. A good
thing. Hoo-ah. Carry on, Mom.”
(Yes, I shake my head a lot. Try not to roll my
eyes anymore, because if you’re a proponent of the Law of Averages, they are
going to get stuck one day.) And smudging is almost like what my son described.
The difference between cammo painting and saging, is that saging removes the negative
and unwanted energies instead of covering them up. The similarity is that you
trust each other to leave nothing exposed for negativity to cling to.
Sacred sage has a long spiritual history with Native
Americans. The burning of sage and directing its smoke over the hands, face,
and body is part of many ceremonial traditions. What most people don’t realize
is that sage burns an antiseptic smoke! No, it won’t stop the plague, but it
does rid the air of common germs.
Sometimes another substance is burned with sage; sage and
cedar is a common combination, as is sage and Sweet Grass. Other combinations
are used according to the purpose you wish to achieve.
To cleanse a dwelling or business, you begin at the exterior
doorway. Make sure to use your smudge
materials in a fire safe manner! Make sure you are rested and in a good frame
of mind prior to starting, because when done correctly cleansing can take a lot
out of you. Light your sage stick (or sage leaves). When they are burning well,
gently blow out the flame, taking care not to send any embers out of your shell
or bowl. They will smolder from that point on. (If they go out, relight them.)
*Quick Note: (If you don’t have the necessary items, we offer
them on our website store, from a deluxe Blessing Kit with a sage bundle,
abalone shell ash catcher, tripod stand carved from a single piece of wood to
rest or display your shell, and latigo bound dispersing feather, all in a
convenient storage container. We also have a basic sage stick and feather
combination; or sage by the stick; or individual dispersing feathers. We even
have small emergency sage kits, with a quick lighting charcoal tab and loose
sage leaves. I’ll post pics and links for you at the end of the blog.)
Starting from the entrance doorway, slowly work in a
clockwise movement, covering the perimeters of that entire room, high and low.
Do NOT smudge that exterior doorway yet! The purpose is to push any negative
energies out, and you want to leave them an exit. Pay attention to push smoke into the
high corners of the room as you proceed. If there are closets or permanent
cabinetry (kitchen cabinets and drawers; bathroom cabinets and drawers, etc)
open them and direct sage smoke inside. Smudge around any windows and connecting
doorways. Speak words that denote your Faith. Many recite St. Michael’s prayer
in each room as they complete it. Give audible instructions. You don’t have to
yell, but be strong and forceful. I usually say, “Anything negative or unclean,
you are not welcome here. Only the good and protective may stay. Only positive
energy may reside in this place. Anything of an evil nature must leave this
place, and leave now, and is not
allowed to return!” I believe using your own words carries more meaning or what
some call power, so don’t be afraid to speak what is in your heart or on your
mind. But if you aren’t comfortable trying this by yourself for the first time—or
ever!—it’s perfectly acceptable to call someone in. We all learn skills from
each other, and this is no different. Some things we try we never become adept
at (like my attempts at oil painting.
No, we won’t discuss it. LOL) So there is no shame or harm in turning
what we aren’t comfortable with over to another who is versed in it.
As you finish that room, move to the next, working the
entire dwelling in a clockwise motion. As you get back to your starting point,
speak your words again. Claim your space as your own and ask for Faith, peace,
protection, and love to be the strongest forces dwelling there. As you tell
anything unclean, negative, or evil to leave a final time, smudge the exterior
doorway, mentally sealing it against everything but good.
If you want to keep negative energy at a minimum, saging and
cleansing isn’t something you do one time and forget about it. It’s rather like
sweeping your floors clean. It feels wonderful immediately after you do so. But
as we go in and out, grains of sand are tracked in, a few here, a few there. If
it rains, mud comes in with us. Even opening a door allows dust and even the
occasional leaf to drift inside.
Energy is much like the grains of sand, the mud, the dust,
the bits of leaf. We pick them up without realizing and carry them home with
us. Our friend having marital trouble? When we talk to them to offer comfort, we
bring a bit of it away with us. Stresses at work? We bring bits of that worry
home. When we care for the ill or infirm, we tend to absorb a bit of
their suffering as we try to ease it, and carry it away with us. The accident,
the abuse, the grief we witness or share marks us with its energy. Ill will
toward us, particularly undeserved ill will, attaches its negativity as well.
And like those grains of sand on our floor, it grits and chafes, makes us
uncomfortable in our own space. So like sweeping the floor clean, we need to
regularly cleanse those accumulated negative, unclean energies from our personal space.
Don’t want to bore you or make you feel like you’re held
hostage at your computer or phone screen, so I’ll leave the personal cleansing
for another post. But I promise to get to it soon!
Here are those links I promised!
Blessing Kit contains large sage bundle, abalone shell ash catcher, carved wooden tripod to rest or display your shell, and latigo wrapped dispersing feather, all in convenient storage container.
Basic smudge set consists of sage bundle and dispersing feather.
Single sage bundle, large.
Dispersing feathers. Sold singly.
Emergency Sage Kit (shown front & back) contains quick lighting charcoal tab and loose sage leaves. Handy for Paranormal Investigations! Keep several on hand! |
Hope this answered a few questions! If you have other questions or wish to comment, please, please, please make use of the comment section. We love the interaction! If you're shy, feel free to email us. We love hearing from all of you!
Remember, our MGCParanormal motto is “Focused on finding the Truth . . . .”
~Happy Ghost/Bigfoot/Urban Legend/UFO hunting from the entire Team at MGCParanormal!~
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~Happy Ghost/Bigfoot/Urban Legend/UFO hunting from the entire Team at MGCParanormal!~
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