Tuesday, February 3, 2015

This Whole Paranormal Thing . . . www.MGCParanormal.org


Welcome to MGCParanormal's weekly blog! Mississippi Gulf Coast Paranormal team members are eager to share what this paranormal thing is all about. In between posts about the paranormal field and the equipment used, we'll occasionally share a bit of what we've done, things we've encountered, lessons we've learned, and some of the unexpected hilarity that comes with being a paranormal investigator.  All to make it interesting--and make you feel at home with us.

Expect everything from Paranormal 101 posts, to evidence clips from actual investigations.  There are upcoming interviews with fellow paranormal groups and authors from across the nation, focusing on those who, like us, are most interested in history and how it possibly affects paranormal activity.

Look for a new post every Friday!

Happy ghost hunting!
The MGCParanormal Team

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